beings do not grow in perfect symmetry. They oscillate, expand,
contract, back track, arrest themselves, retrogress, mobilize, atrophy
in part, proceed erratically according to experience and traumas. Some
aspects of the personality mature, others do not. Some live in the past,
some in the present. Some people are futuristic characters, some are
cubistic, some are hard-edged, some geometric, some abstract, some
impressionistic, some surrealistic! Some of their insights remain
relative, and we can no longer think of a character as good or bad, but a
combination of characteristics which vary according to relationship and
the point in time. We know now that we are composites in reality,
collages of our fathers and mothers, of what we read, of television
influences and films, of friends and associates, and we know we often
play roles quite removed from our genuine selves.”
— Anaïs Nin, from The Novel of the Future
Photo by Monika Ekiert Jezusek